新萄京娱乐 Member Central is your first point of contact for any inquiry you may have as a 新萄京娱乐 member or as a creative professional looking to join 新萄京娱乐.
We have trained information officers ready to answer any inquiries you may have about your employment conditions, membership status or to be put into contact with your local union representative.
新萄京娱乐 Member Central: 1300 65 65 13 or email: members@hqrfw.net
艾琳Madeley – 首席执行官
Erin joined 新萄京娱乐 straight out of drama school in 2005 and was the lead organiser for the ECS section before taking maternity leave in late-2016. She returned to active work as the director of the section in July 2017, 曾任董事, Operations before she was appointed 首席执行官 in July 2022.
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亚当杨祥银 – 副行政长官
在新萄京官方之前, Adam worked in a variety of roles including as an employment lawyer and with the National Union of Workers (now the United Workers Union) as a National 工业官. He was the 导演 of 新萄京娱乐 媒体 from late-2020, moving into his current role in October 2022. Adam is also the union’s Victoria/塔斯马尼亚 Regional 导演.
苏珊·克拉克森—— 董事、财务
苏珊·克拉克森 is a FCPA with over 20 years in experience in senior financial roles; she joined 新萄京娱乐 in 2012 and is responsible for the overall financial performance of the union in line with the relevant legislation and regulation. Susan started her career in merchant banking and over the last 15 years has worked predominately in NGOs. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) from Western Sydney University.
卡西吊杆 – 导演,媒体
Cassie has worked alongside 新萄京娱乐 members for over five years in the positions of 媒体 Organiser, Organising 导演 and Deputy 导演 of the 媒体 Section, as well as organising workers at Professionals Australia, CFMEU和新南威尔士州工会. She was appointed 导演 of 媒体 in October 2022.
凯利木 – 导演, 娱乐,船员 and 体育运动
Kelly has been 导演 of 娱乐,船员 and 体育运动 since 2019. She has been an activist and worker in the union movement for more than 20 years. She has worked in both the Queensland and national offices of 新萄京娱乐, and has worked full time with technicians, 创意人员, and venue workers in the ECS section since 2013.
米歇尔·雷 – 导演,股票
Michelle commenced as 导演 of the 股本 section in January 2021. Michelle has been 新萄京娱乐’s Queensland director for 13 years during which time she has been intimately involved in 新萄京娱乐’s key campaigns and negotiations across the 股本, Crew and 媒体 sections of our union. 新萄京官方之前, Michelle was an organiser and campaigner at the Australian Council of Trade Unions. When she joined 新萄京娱乐 she had found her home. Michelle is passionate about the Australian arts industry and has worked closely with Queensland performers and 创意人员 throughout her time at 新萄京娱乐.
保罗·戴维斯 – 导演, 音乐家; National 活动 导演
Paul has worked as a national official for a number of unions over the past 20 years, most recently as NSW 导演 of Professionals Australia. He has set up and led campaigns in a many different industries, from childcare (Big Steps) to engineering and public infrastructure (Australian National Engineering Taskforce). He is motivated by the need for unions to adapt, change and grow. He has degrees in Arts and Law and is a keen amateur musician.
吉尔Biddington – 导演, Education and Development
Jill于2021年7月新萄京官方. She has more than 40 years in the union movement and is passionate about organising in the community and amongst workers to build and strengthen civil society. Jill chooses to work at 新萄京娱乐 because 新萄京娱乐 people contribute to building a stronger civil society and because she wants to strengthen workers’ rights for insecure workers to lift the safety net for all workers. Jill has worked for a range of unions in Australia and internationally including the ACTU and UnionsNSW and most recently as the Labour Migration and Pacific Organiser for Union Aid Abroad- APHEDA. She was also a panel for the Insecure Work Inquiry on behalf of the ACTU in 2012.
马克·菲利普斯—— 董事、通信
马克•菲利普斯 has worked as a journalist and a communications professional for 25 years. 作为一名记者, he was employed by Fairfax 媒体, 新闻集团和美联社, including several years in the Federal Parliamentary Press Gallery. 在2015年新萄京官方之前, he spent seven years at the ACTU, including as communications director.
格雷格·康明斯 – 会员服务经理
艾米丽Sevenoaks – 中央顾问
莉莉安娜·布莱泽·格罗西 – 中央顾问
谭雅·史密斯 -成员中央顾问
尼古拉斯•安德森 -成员中央顾问
马特·亨德森 -成员中央顾问
托比 borge – 国家法律干事
安妮特Widitz -工业主任(ECS)
英里捕食 – 工业主任(公平)
苔丝Chappell -工业主任(公平)
Sana谢赫 -工业主任 (音乐家/SOMA)
詹姆斯•罗杰斯 -工业主任(传媒)
比利Whitsed -工业主任(传媒)
马克•菲利普斯 -传讯总监
菲尔这边 – 数码通讯主任
保罗·戴维斯 -宣传总监
莉莉娅·安德森 ——研究 & 政策的引导
马特·伯恩 ——政治领袖
史蒂夫Furness – 数字总监
Dalin哎哟 -资讯科技支援
詹妮弗•奥布莱恩 -行政主任
杰克•沃尔顿 -行政主任
玛丽亚Sorbello -邮务员
苏珊·克拉克森 -财务总监
苏菲王 -财务会计
Bhavank Bhardiya – 财务会计
Varsha Chandurkar -财务会计
维维安通 -财务会计
马丁尼Shqau -薪酬主任
弗里斯科卡 -残差经理
阿米莉亚吉梅内斯 – 残差官
米歇尔·雷 – 导演
阿什利·罗斯 – Deputy 导演/Inclusion, Access and Diversity Organiser
杰伊·雷德福 – 国家进口官员
尼古拉斯希望 – 新南威尔士州组织者
珍娜·施罗德 – 维克组织者
伊根孙膑 – 昆士兰组织者
安德鲁·马基 – 佤邦组织者
亚伦康纳 – SA / NT组织者
弗兰基劳埃德 – 维克组织者
英里捕食 – 工业主任(屏风)
苔丝Chappell – 工业官 (Live Performance)
丽齐弗兰克斯 -活动和奖项经理
亚历克斯·琼斯 -项目经理
斯蒂芬妮·克莱顿 -活动助理
凯利木 - ECS主任
Nikau欧文 - ECS副主任
杰拉德•布朗 -新南威尔士州屏幕工作人员组织者
Jemma诺特 – NSW Live Theatre and Venue Crew Organiser
保罗·斯坦利 – Vic/Tas Screen Crew Organiser
Sukhmeet Grewal编写 – Vic Live Theatre and Venue Crew Organiser
罗斯Heyen – 昆士兰组织者
亚伦康纳 -高级助理/新界区统筹
安德鲁·马基 -水务署主办机构
安妮特Widitz -工业主任
卡西吊杆 -传媒总监
马修·伯顿 – 传媒副总监
Tanita Razaghi – 新南威尔士州组织者
米娅凯莉 - Vic/Tas组织者
亚伦康纳 – SA / NT组织者
Keryn安德森 – 佤邦组织者
哈里特Blaazer-Grossi -自由组织者
乔治Kanjere – 自由职业的组织者
詹姆斯•罗杰斯 -工业主任
比利Whitsed -工业主任
保罗·戴维斯 -音乐总监
伊莉斯著名播音员 ——组织者
Tanita Razaghi——组织者
莎拉Loaney ——组织者
雷切尔·迈尔斯 ——组织者
萨娜·谢赫 工业官
亚当杨祥银 – 副行政长官; 导演, Victoria & 塔斯马尼亚
保罗·斯坦利 – 组织者(ECS影视组)
米娅凯莉 -主办机构(传媒)
Sukhmeet Grewal编写 -主办机构(环境及服务场地)
弗兰基劳埃德 – 组织者(股权)
雷切尔·迈尔斯 -主办机构(乐手)
米歇尔·雷 – 导演, QLD/ 导演 股本
Nikau欧文 -副署长(环境安全)
马修·伯顿 -副处长(传媒)
伊根孙膑 – 组织者(股权)
罗斯Heyen -主办机构(ECS)
蒂芙尼ven -西澳总监 & SA / NT
亚伦康纳 ——组织者
Keryn安德森 -西澳州/南澳州/北区区域组织者
安德鲁·马基 – 组织者(股本/ ECS)